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Public Relations

Green Project Marketing's clients and their corporate partners want and need as much brand exposure as possible for their companies, products, and projects.

Public Relations and related services include initiating or supporting client via:

  • Integrated Public Relations Programming
  • All media channels for events, both trade and consumer
  • Government Official Participation
  • Sponsor Recognition
  • Client Servicing

Green Light Bulb - Green Project MarketingGreen Project Marketing Public Relations (GPMPR) focuses on the objectives and goals of each client and tailors a program to meet established benchmarks such as increasing brand awareness, building brand equity, conveying consistent messaging, delivering impressions to targeted groups and maximizing media exposure.

Special Events - With over 15 years experience in special event marketing, we truly understand how to research and pursue opportunities for our clients. Our attention to detail, pre-planning, flawless execution and thorough post-event measurement ensures our clients needs have been anticipated, met and exceeded.

Media Relationships & Coverage - We possess media contacts and relationships at the national, regional and local level. We have worked with major daily newspapers, business journals, business magazines, trade associations and publications, broadcast and web 2.0/3.0 sources.

Please play the videos below from one of our client's green building Grand Opening event in Huntington Beach, CA.


Client Services – Before our clients pick up the phone, we normally reach them first with ears open, answers to their most recent inquiries and with creative suggestions on next steps with each campaign or program. Attention to detail, follow-through, active listening on client's needs and laser beam focus on key objectives throughout each project make the difference in delivering superior service.

Web 2.0/3.0/Social Media - At GPMPR, we understand the "culture" of Web 2.0/3.0 and social media marketing. We have assembled a team of digital strategic marketing experts that can analyze a client's needs, current website, blog, e-newsletters and other online communications and devise just the right plan for today's budget and for future growth.

Our team is actively working with clients in social media marketing, assisting with promoting brands, reaching out to key influencers, and encouraging ongoing dialogue with customers and prospects. We review, monitor, and pursue all available social media platforms and online communities to generate publicity for our clients.

Video Production - We have experts in the field of video production that can create, revise, and broadcast any type of video programming.

Contact Green Project Marketing

To discuss how your company and project can benefit from our services as well if there are representation opportunities, please contact Michel (Michael) Stevens, President, at (800) 260-6008 ext. 301 PST or mstevens[at]greenprojectmarketing[dot]com. Skype ID: GreenProjMktg.