Mike Stevens

Michel “Michael” Stevens, President of Green Project Marketing

Michael Stevens

Michael Stevens

Mr. Stevens possesses over 20 years of proven corporate marketing, sponsorship and sales promotion experience. His emphasis has been in the areas of corporate, sports, event and incentive marketing. Since 2002, he has been President of Achieve Marketing Group, a Los Angeles-based marketing consultancy with core competencies in areas such as strategic marketing, sponsorship development, national sales promotions, green marketing, cause branding, public relations, event, incentive, college, and real estate marketing. Green Project Marketing was formed in 2007 and has supported green builders to reduce expenses per project, build brand awareness, design and execute special events, interactive campaigns and promotions. Current and past clients include Allen Associates, Amerifund Lending Group, California Green Homes, Call Center Today, Coldwell Banker, Creative Literacy Project, ESPN Zone, HartmanBaldwin, Make It Happen Now, San Bernardino National Forest Association, Sempra Utilities, Sidewinder Solutions and Universal Studios. Read more on the bio page on this site under About-->Team-->Bios.

Blog entries tagged in pollution

Building right on top of freeways - what air pollution?

Posted by Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
Mr. Stevens possesses over 20 years of proven corporate marketing, sponsorship and sales promotion experienc...
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on Friday, 21 July 2017
in Green Building ·

Developers - City Councils - Freeways

The American developer and the local politicians that agree to support developments, such as those on top of L.A. freeways continue to amaze.

Sure, on one hand, there are cries such as, "there is a huge housing shortage!" On the other hand, there are too many people in the City of Los Angeles and the city is not obligated to allow developers to build on every available lot nor to allow building in areas where even a middle school science student may say, "gee, that does not make sense to build in this area."

Please read the recent Los Angeles Times article on apartments such as Da Vinci on top of 110 freeway in downtown Los Angeles. In the article, it states that part of the requirements for the developer is to install air filters.

Da Vinci Apts 110 fwy

Air Pollution for Residents

Does it take a Rhodes Scholar to figure out that the tiny particles generating the carbon monoxide may be partially caught by filters, but these filters do not keep out all of the toxic exhaust gases.

In a way, it is evident that the people of L.A.have to live somewhere and that the city and developers will try to do their part to alleviate the housing shortage. Oh, by the way, it will come at a cost of infecting children and adults alike to future health problems, higher medical bills, and a brief presumption that some of those bills will be covered by all taxpayers.

As with many issues facing society, no easy solution here. However, common sense would dictate that residential dwellings should be a lot farther away than the 500 feet proposed. Let's get our act together, speak up to various city councils and stop abuses by developers in this area.

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Climate Change - we can make a difference with some effort?

Posted by Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
Mr. Stevens possesses over 20 years of proven corporate marketing, sponsorship and sales promotion experienc...
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on Wednesday, 04 December 2013
in Green Building ·

An iceberg floats off Greenland

Scientists sounded alarms Tuesday with a pair of studies challenging the idea that climate change is occurring gradually over the century and that its worst effects can be avoided by keeping emissions below a critical threshold.

Climate history has been commonly recorded by tree rings, ocean sediment and ice cores.  Climate changes to the environment can be punctuated by big, sudden changes, including ocean circulation shifts and mass extinctions.

This is a local, domestic and international effort. Hopefully, China and India will pursue more laws and end up creating more jobs to reduce pollution and carbon footprint.


©LA Times
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To discuss how your company and project can benefit from our services as well if there are representation opportunities, please contact Michel (Michael) Stevens, President, at (800) 260-6008 ext. 301 PST or mstevens[at]greenprojectmarketing[dot]com. Skype ID: GreenProjMktg.