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DOE Secretary Chu: “We Can and Must Compete in Clean Energy – and I Believe We Can Win”
Nobember 18, 2011
WASHINGTON, D.C. – In his remarks after touring the GE solar manufacturing facility in Arvada, Colorado today, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu highlighted the choice America faces on whether we should accept defeat and watch solar jobs go overseas, or play to win in the $240 billion clean energy market and create jobs here in the U.S.
Excerpts and full text of remarks, as prepared for delivery, are below:
“I’m here at a critical time for America’s energy future.It’s a time of challenge, but it’s also a time of opportunity.”
“America has a choice to make today: Are we going to be importers or exporters of solar technologies? We can accept defeat and watch the solar jobs go to China, Germany and other countries, or we can get in the game and play to win, creating jobs in Colorado and across the country.”
“The public and private sectors can, and should, work together to make sure clean energy technologies are invented in America, made in America and sold around the world. This is what we need to do to prosper in the 21st century.”
“The global competition is fierce, and support for new and innovative technologies comes with inherent risk. But that is no reason to sit on the sidelines and concede leadership in our sweet spot, technological and manufacturing innovation.”
“The stakes are too high to turn our backs on the clean energy industry. We can compete in the global marketplace – creating American jobs and selling American products – or we can buy the technologies of tomorrow from abroad. The choice is ours.”
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