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Viewing entries tagged energy efficiency. SoCalGas
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Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
Mr. Stevens possesses over 20 years of proven corporate marketing, sponsorship and sales promotion experienc...
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Wednesday, 06 June 2012
in Green Building

Southern California Gas is testing an unusual solar energy system that produces electricity for its building and hot water for air-conditioning of its Energy Resource Center in Downey. (Southern California Gas Co. / May 25, 2012)
By Nancy Rivera Brooks
May 28, 2012
Southern California Gas Company is trying out an unusual new technology that uses the sun’s rays to provide air conditioning as well as power.
The solar photovoltaic system installed on the roof of the SoCalGas Energy Resource Center in Downey combines mirrors and a computerized tracking system to capture sunlight and focus that energy onto an array of collectors.
©The California Energy Commission
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