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dwell on design LA 2018 - Bone Structure steel construction

Posted by Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
Mr. Stevens possesses over 20 years of proven corporate marketing, sponsorship and sales promotion experienc...
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on Wednesday, 11 April 2018
in Green Building ·

This year's dwell on design was filled with creative companies showcasing various products for interior designers, architects, builders and contractors.

One company was Bone Structure.

BONE Structure® is a steel construction system leading the way towards high performance, energy efficient homes, designed and built using an integrated process inspired by the aerospace industry.

Bone Structure steel const 3 Bone Structure Steel const 2

For more information, please contact Bone Structure at

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Green Building - Protecting Environment -Saving Energy-Certified Buildings

Posted by Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
Mr. Stevens possesses over 20 years of proven corporate marketing, sponsorship and sales promotion experienc...
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on Thursday, 22 March 2018
in Green Building ·

Buildings are responsible for an enormous amount of global energy use, resource consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. As the demand for more sustainable building options increases, green construction is becoming increasingly profitable and desirable within the international construction market.

In the United States alone, buildings account for almost 40 percent of national CO2 emissions and out-consume both the industrial and transportation sectors, but LEED-certified buildings have 34 percent lower CO2 emissions, consume 25 percent less energy and 11 percent less water, and have diverted more than 80 million tons of waste from landfills.

The market is responding to these cost savings and environmental benefits at a dramatic rate. According to a Dodge Data & Analytics World Green Building Trends 2016 SmartMarket Report, the global green building sector continues to double every three years, with survey respondents from 70 countries reporting 60 percent of their projects will be green by 2018.

The benefits of green building are expanding the market and breaking records

Upfront investment in green building makes properties more valuable.

With an average expected increase in value of 4 percent. By virtue of lowered maintenance and energy costs the return on investment from green building is rapid: green retrofit projects are generally expected to pay for itself in just seven years.

Green buildings reduce day-to-day costs year-over-year.

LEED buildings report almost 20 percent lower maintenance costs than typical commercial buildings, and green building retrofit projects typically decrease operation costs by almost 10 percent in just one year.

Between 2015 and 2018, LEED-certified buildings in the United States are estimated to have $1.2 billion in energy savings, $149.5 million in water savings, $715.2 million in maintenance savings and $54.2 million in waste savings.

The green building sector is outpacing overall construction growth in the United States and will continue to rise. By 2018, green construction will directly contribute 1.1 million jobs and $75.6 billion in wages by 2018 in the United States. The industry’s direct contribution to U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is also expected to reach $303.5 billion from 2015-2018. LEED building construction projects are estimated contribute 386,000 jobs and $26.2 billion in wages by 2018.

As of October 2017, more than 19.3 billion square feet of building space is LEED-certified worldwide and an approximately 2.2 million square feet achieves LEED certification each day.

Here is a case study with global manufacturer Colgate-Palmolive Company that has decided to embrace green building and pursues LEED-certified structures for all of their new buildings worldwide.

For more information, please visit

Sources: USGBC, other, October 2017

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Trump - Green Energy Projects - what will happen in 2017?

Posted by Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
Mr. Stevens possesses over 20 years of proven corporate marketing, sponsorship and sales promotion experienc...
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on Wednesday, 07 December 2016
in Green Building ·

Trump Presidency & Green Energy Projects

Needless to say, the early signs of a Trump presidency and how it may relate to the green energy, alternative energy, renewable energy and green building is up in the air.

Green Jobs

He claims to promote he will bring jobs to America -well, these industries are not only creating jobs, high paying jobs, and are moving America away from reliance on BIG OIL.

We will see how much the Trump administration caters to big oil, coal and other areas that we would like to see reduced in impact to the environment and society.

As we know, the building industry is cyclical - the industry has been in a growth spurt for several years. Shaking up this momentum may turn back the clock for years. Please support these industries and not the short sighted approach/talk coming from president-elect.

green energy projects

Please review this article from the LA Times on Trump and green energy projects - read it HERE.

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Daltile - Greenworks Overview - Sustainable tile products

Posted by Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
Mr. Stevens possesses over 20 years of proven corporate marketing, sponsorship and sales promotion experienc...
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on Friday, 01 July 2016
in Green Building ·

Daltile - Greenworks Overview

Daltile showed off its extensive line of tile products at the PCBC show in San Francisco. There are products and programs for all builder budgets, styles for architects all with sustainability in mind.

Daltile is keenly focused on working with green builders and retains the core principles of green building:

  • Site design
  • Energy efficiency
  • Water conservation
  • Indoor air quality
  • Environmentally preferable materials
  • Operations and maintenance

Daltile's products can help qualify under many of the industry-leading green building programs, in addition to local and state green building initiatives. Among others, the company can assist architects and builders in two areas including indoor air quality and environmentally preferable materials.

Indoor Air Quality

DAL Lithoverde GrisDuMaraisExcept for the walls, floors usually account for more surface area than anything else in a house, so they have a greater effect on indoor air quality. Adults, children and pets walk, play and sit on them, wear them down and breathe in what they emit for many years. Most tile glazes are water based and use minimal amounts of solvents. Once fired, the tile and glaze are completely fused and there is no possibility of volatile gas emissions.

Daltile's manufactured tile products have been tested and are compliant with the Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS) Low-Emitting Material Standard.

Environmentally Preferable Materials

DAL YorkwoodManor RESThe choice of building materials is important for sustainable home building because of the extensive network of extraction, processing and transportation they require. Recycled-content materials reuse waste products that would otherwise be deposited in landfills. And use of local materials supports the local economy and reduces the harmful impacts of long-distance transport. 

  • More than 97% of Daltile's manufactured products contain pre-consumer (post-industrial) recycled materials.  
  • Daltile's eight manufacturing facilities in the United States and Mexico provide the opportunity for our products and raw materials to be closer to more building projects, thus conserving fossil fuels required for transportation.

Daltile's eight manufacturing facilities in the United States and Mexico provide the opportunity for our products and raw materials to be closer to more building projects, thus conserving fossil fuels required for transportation.

Daltile offers real-time information on recycled materials content and information on whether or not your home or project falls within a 500 mile radius of one of our plants, making it easy for you select the material that best meets your needs.

For more information, please visit

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Panasonic WhisperSense-Lite - solid product offering

Posted by Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
Mr. Stevens possesses over 20 years of proven corporate marketing, sponsorship and sales promotion experienc...
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on Wednesday, 02 March 2016
in Green Building ·

Panasonic WhisperSense-Lite

It's the only ENERGY STAR rated vent fan to incorporate dual motion and humidity sensors for moisture control.

Panasonic FV 08VQC5

Dual Motion and Humidity Sensor Technology

WhisperSense 80CFM fan features exclusive, dual motion and humidity sensor technology. SmartAction® motion sensor automatically turns fan on when you enter the room. Humidity sensor detects rapid rise in relative humidity (RH), turning fan on to remove moisture and help prevent mold and mildew. Can be used to comply with the latest codes and standards.

To learn more about the product, please click HERE.

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Seattle's Bullitt Center continues to deliver sustainable marks

Posted by Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
Mr. Stevens possesses over 20 years of proven corporate marketing, sponsorship and sales promotion experienc...
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on Wednesday, 01 April 2015
in Green Building ·

Over the last four years since its groundbreaking, the Bullitt Center has not disappointed.  There are so many wonderful systems in place on this property, but it is worth taking the time to read the various articles and technical specifications.

Seattle's Bullit CenterIf you have been faithful to LEED for years, there may be some push back about learning more about The International Living Institute. Regarding the building's many features, click HERE to learn more. The International Living Future Institute is a hub for visionary programs.

It administers the Living Building Challenge, the built environment's most rigorous and ambitious performance standard. ILF is the parent organization for Cascadia Green Building Council, a chapter of both the United States and Canada Green Building Councils that serves Alaska, British Columbia, Washington and Oregon. It is also the home to Ecotone Publishing, a unique publishing house dedicated to telling the story of the green building movement's pioneering thinkers and practitioners.

I say keep up the good work, test, measure, promote, educate, incorporate into as many new buildings as possible - repeat the process.

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CertainTeed Insulation Case Study for Sunset Green Home

Posted by Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
Mr. Stevens possesses over 20 years of proven corporate marketing, sponsorship and sales promotion experienc...
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on Tuesday, 27 January 2015
in Green Building ·

Sunset Green Home and CertainTeed Insulation have created a case study based on the product used for the project. The Case Study was presented at the 2015 IBS show in Las Vegas. The case study is called Follow the Project - Sunset Green Home.

Follow The Project and learn how a home in Long Island is being rebuilt intelligently with CertainTeed Insulation after Hurricane Sandy.

Learn more about the insulation product used:

  • SMARTBATT™ - A revolutionary, one-of-a-kind fiber glass insulation with an integrated smart vapor retarder that blocks and breathes to manage moisture
  • CertaSpray® - Spray Foam insulation that expands to fill every opening that can potentially leak air, resulting in a more energy-efficient living environment.
  • Foritcel™ - A spray-applied mold prevention product for homes. No mold will grow on professionally treated surfaces.

You can review the CASE STUDY here.

For more information on the green building project, please visit,

©CertainTeed Insulation
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IBS 2015 - something for everyone at this year's show

Posted by Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
Mr. Stevens possesses over 20 years of proven corporate marketing, sponsorship and sales promotion experienc...
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on Tuesday, 13 January 2015
in Green Building ·

2015 IBS show will not disappoint with all of the key manufacturers offering new products, latest technologies and information galore to educate as well as to sell product.

Key areas within the show include:

Custom Building Central is designed for high-end custom-builders and architects who cater to this discerning market.

Find specialized seminars, activities and other professionals who are focused on the multitude of details that come with building custom homes and the unique challenges that brings. Custom Building Central offers a variety of opportunities to network, attend workshops and gain perspective from experts. If you are involved in custom building, you should plan to attend.

50+ Housing market sector. Builders who want current information about that market and its growing number of potential buyers should seize the opportunity to learn what makes the boomer market different.

Design Studio will offer and showcase the importance of good design. It is a subject that touches everyone involved in home building, from single-family and custom builders to production builders, multi-family, commercial builders, remodelers, 50+ housing, sales and marketing, architects, interior designers and land planners.

Multi-family Central will offer information and trends on apartment, condo and multi-family development.

Home Builders Show - LV-2 2015

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EPA announces new ENERGY STAR Home Advisor Program

Posted by Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
Mr. Stevens possesses over 20 years of proven corporate marketing, sponsorship and sales promotion experienc...
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on Friday, 12 December 2014
in Green Building ·

Although this program may dip into the great work being done by energy auditors around the country, it is a big boost to downplay the need for solar, amongst other energy efficient products so early in the cycle.

The solar industry, while offering a terrific product has pushed way too far to the left of the McKinsey GHG cost abatement - 2030.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is launching its ENERGY STAR Home Advisor, an online tool designed to help Americans save money and energy by improving the energy efficiency of their homes through recommended customized and prioritized home-improvement projects. You can learn more on the program by clicking HERE.

McKinsey  GHG abatement cost curve -2030

The updated ENERGY STAR Home Advisor guides the homeowner through a “do-it-yourself” energy assessment to create an ENERGY STAR home profile. Based on the newly created profile, the Home Advisor provides customized, prioritized recommendations for improvements. From these recommendations, users can create their own to-do lists of projects such as adding insulation to the attic or replacing an HVAC air filter. Over time, users can update their home profiles as they make improvements, see the positive environmental impacts of the changes they've made, get additional recommendations, and update their “to-do” lists for future projects. The home profiles can also be printed and used at the time of sale.

For more information on the program, please visit:

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U.S. Green Building Council Certifies 50,000th Green Housing Unit Under LEED for Homes

Posted by Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
Mr. Stevens possesses over 20 years of proven corporate marketing, sponsorship and sales promotion experienc...
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on Wednesday, 29 January 2014
in Green Building ·

Green Building Council LEED SealGreen Building Certifications are alive and well. Kudos to USGBC for reaching this milestone.Since the launch of the LEED for Homes rating system in 2007, the growth has been rapid. Beginning with 392 housing units LEED-certified in 2007, the figures rose to nearly 900 units certified in the year 2008 and nearly 3,000 certified in 2009. In 2012 and 2013 alone, USGBC certified more than 15,000 and 17,000 housing units, respectively.

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Rainwater Pillow to Exhibit at Builders Show 2014 in Las Vegas

Posted by Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
Mr. Stevens possesses over 20 years of proven corporate marketing, sponsorship and sales promotion experienc...
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on Wednesday, 29 January 2014
in Green Building ·

Rainwater Pillow

Rainwater Pillow will once again be exhibiting at this year's Home Builders (NAHB) and the National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA) in Las Vegas February 4 - 6, 2014.

Please stop by our booth S1317 to learn about rainwater and storm water harvesting

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U.S. Energy Use Trending Downward due to Energy Efficiency

Posted by Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
Mr. Stevens possesses over 20 years of proven corporate marketing, sponsorship and sales promotion experienc...
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on Saturday, 30 November 2013
in Green Building ·

NRDC’s First Annual Energy and Environment Report, America’s (Amazingly) Good Energy NewsNRDC’s First Annual Energy and Environment Report, America’s (Amazingly) Good Energy News, is the product of an exhaustive analysis of extensive new government data that shows total U.S. energy use in 2012 was below the 1999 level even though the economy grew by more than 25 percent (adjusted for inflation) during that period.  As a result of national energy efficiency measures, Factories and businesses are producing substantially more products and value with less energy, the amount of gasoline per mile driven is down, and the cost of all energy services (from lighting to refrigeration) also has decreased.

The report notes that the amount of climate-warming carbon dioxide pollution also is down, putting the nation on track to meet President Obama’s emissions reduction target of 17 percent over the next seven years, though much more must be done  to avoid the worst effects of climate change.

Here is a snapshot of the report’s major findings:

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Posted by Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
Mr. Stevens possesses over 20 years of proven corporate marketing, sponsorship and sales promotion experienc...
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on Wednesday, 13 March 2013
in Green Building ·

The AIA Committee on the Environment’s "MEASURES OF SUSTAINABLE DESIGN”

COTE definition of sustainability and sustainable design:

Sustainability envisions the enduring prosperity of all living things. Sustainable design seeks to create communities, buildings, and products that contribute to this vision.

©The AIA Committee
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3 Energy Management Apps Any Organization Can Afford

Posted by Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
Mr. Stevens possesses over 20 years of proven corporate marketing, sponsorship and sales promotion experienc...
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on Sunday, 09 December 2012
in Green Building ·

In a market where consumers--both residential and commercial--are giving recognition to their carbon footprint and taking control of their consumption, energy suppliers, technology companies, and even the government is getting involved--making consumption data more accessible, creating initiatives that make these partnerships more feasible, and creating systems and technology to simplify and gauge behaviors and performance.

As a result, a slew of new technologies are being released into the market, allowing consumers real access to their consumption patterns, helping to identify deficiencies in operations and even suggesting upgrades where deficiencies may be occurring. Encouraging enough, these applications don't have to be a costly investment. In fact, some are quite affordable--or even better--free. Here are three applications that are trending in the energy management market that any organization can afford.

©Ashley M. Halligan
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ARPA-E Awards $130 Million for 66 Transformational Energy Technology Projects

Posted by Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
Mr. Stevens possesses over 20 years of proven corporate marketing, sponsorship and sales promotion experienc...
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on Saturday, 08 December 2012
in Green Building ·

November 28, 2012

WASHINGTON – Today, Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced 66 cutting-edge research projects selected by the Energy Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E) to receive a total of $130 million in funding through its “OPEN 2012” program. ARPA-E seeks out transformational, breakthrough technologies that show fundamental technical promise but are too early for private-sector investment. These projects have the potential to produce game-changing breakthroughs in energy technology, form the foundation for entirely new industries, and have large commercial impacts. The selected projects encompass 11 technology areas in 24 states, and support the Obama Administration’s all-of-the-above approach to solving our nation’s most pressing energy challenges.

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Green Project Marketing at GreenBuild Expo 2012

Posted by Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
Mr. Stevens possesses over 20 years of proven corporate marketing, sponsorship and sales promotion experienc...
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on Tuesday, 13 November 2012
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Michel Stevens, President of Green Project Marketing at GreenBuild Expo 2012. We look forward to meeting up with clients, green manufacturers and distributors and green builders and architects at the show.

Michel Stevens - Green Project Marketing - GreenBuild_2012

©Michel Stevens
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D'MAND CIRC at GreenBuild Expo

Posted by Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
Mr. Stevens possesses over 20 years of proven corporate marketing, sponsorship and sales promotion experienc...
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on Tuesday, 13 November 2012
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D'MAND CIRC booth at GreenBuild Expo. The team for ACT and Enovative Group is looking forward to a successful show this year.


DMAND CIRC - ACT Enovative Group

©Michel Stevens
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GreenBuild 2012 - David Gottfried - Regenerative Ventures

Posted by Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
Mr. Stevens possesses over 20 years of proven corporate marketing, sponsorship and sales promotion experienc...
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on Tuesday, 13 November 2012
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Michel Stevens bumped into David Gottfried, Founder of USGBC, Founder of World Green Building Council and CEO of Regenerative Ventures at GreenBuild Expo 2012 in San Francisco.

Michel Stevens - Green Project Marketing - David Gottfried Regenerative Ventures

©Michel Stevens
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GreenBuild Expo 2012 - is almost here

Posted by Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
Mr. Stevens possesses over 20 years of proven corporate marketing, sponsorship and sales promotion experienc...
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on Thursday, 08 November 2012
in Green Building ·

In 2012, GreenBuild Expo will showcase the latest in innovative green building products and services. Join us in San Francisco to learn, network, do business and participate in one of the greenest and most sustainable conferences in the world.

GreenBuild Expo 2012

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CEC approves set of energy efficient bldg standards

Posted by Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
Mr. Stevens possesses over 20 years of proven corporate marketing, sponsorship and sales promotion experienc...
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on Wednesday, 06 June 2012
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Contact Green Project Marketing

To discuss how your company and project can benefit from our services as well if there are representation opportunities, please contact Michel (Michael) Stevens, President, at (800) 260-6008 ext. 301 PST or mstevens[at]greenprojectmarketing[dot]com. Skype ID: GreenProjMktg.